Graduation Roadmap from ETH Zurich / Spring 2025
15 January 2025 - 15 January 2025 Event
Master your doctorate is a series of short, stand-alone events, workshops and webinars designed to support students during their doctorate at ETH. Doctoral students are welcome to participate in the courses of the program at any time. However, the courses listed within the "Graduation roadmap" will help particularly towards the end of the doctorate. Organised by the ETH Zurich Doctoral Administration.
S4 Workshop: Best Practices for Supervision of BA & Master's Students
27 January 2025 - 27 January 2025 Teaching
This training is designed to help guide our doctoral researchers on how to become effective supervisors as many of them begin to supervise others for the first time during the doctorate.
Past Events
Join Batch #5 of The AI Incubator
Craft your own AI prototype and business model
S4 Workshop: Kick-starting your Doctoral Thesis - Scientific Writing
Swiss Robotics Day 2024
S4 Workshop: Successfully Apply for Industry Positions in Germany
CLS2024 Retreat
A three-day in-person event for the CLS community
S4 Workshop: Kick-starting your Doctoral Thesis - Scientific Writing
S4 Workshop: Interviewing and Talking to the Press on Camera
S4 Workshop: Structuring and Delivering a Scientific Presentation
Cyber Valley Days EXPO
Network and get to know the Cyber Valley community
S4 Workshop: Kick-starting your Doctoral Thesis - Scientific Writing
Join Batch #4 of The AI Incubator
Craft your own AI prototype and business model
S4 Workshop: Successfully Apply for Industry Positions in Germany
CLS2024 Selection Symposium
Culture Club: Parental Leave, Benefits, & Having Children in Germany
Monthly Associated Researchers Meetup
Swiss Robotics Day 2023
The AI Incubator - Register for the third batch
Join the next round of the AI Incubator!
Workshop "Resolving conflicts in a constructive way"
Get your writing project started, prevent plagiarism and publish
Workshop "Be the master of your time!"
Workshop "Effective communication with others"
Neurobiological bases of stress and stress management
Developing scientific writing skills at doctoral level
Workshop "The seven secrets of highly successful doctoral students"
Scientific writing: structuring and planning publications
S4 Workshop: Kick-starting your PhD Thesis - Scientific Writing
CLS2023 Fellows Retreat
A three-day in-person event hosted by the CLS doctoral fellows
AI Incubator 2023
Cyber Valley's program for the next generation of AI start-ups
S4 Workshop: Best Practices for Software Development in Python
S4 Workshop: Kick-starting your PhD Thesis - Scientific Writing
Introductory programme for new doctoral students Spring semester 2023
Project Management for 1st Year Scholars: S4 Workshop
Workshop "Get the supervision you need!"
Doing a doctorate at ETH: administrative and academic aspects
Q&A Webinar
Communication & Negotiation - Effective Communication with Supervisors and Colleagues: S4 Workshop
How to Give an Interview and Talk to the Press on Camera: S4 Workshop
Workshop "Effective communication with others"
Workshop "Get the supervision you need!"
Neurobiological bases of stress and stress management
Workshop "Resolving conflicts in a constructive way"
Scientific writing: structuring and planning publications
CLS2022 Fellows Retreat
A three-day in-person event hosted by the CLS doctoral fellows
Workshop "The seven secrets of highly successful doctoral students"
Health Data and AI: Responsible Innovations, Ethics and Regulatory Strategies
Developing scientific writing skills at doctoral level
Kick-starting your PhD Thesis - Scientific Writing: S4 Workshop
Structuring and Delivering a Scientific Presentation: S4 Workshop
Scientific English Writing: November Workshop
Standards and Good Practices for Software Development in Python: S4 Workshop
How to Give an Interview and Talk to the Press on Camera: S4 Workshop
CLS2021 Summer Fellows Retreat
A one-day fully virtual event hosted by the CLS doctoral fellows