CLS offers a platform for exchange and unique training opportunities for young researchers. Many events are offered in conjunction with our partners, such as the IMPRS-IS Cyber Valley doctoral program. Please note that credit points indicated for joint events apply to the IMPRS-IS program; they are not recognised at ETH Zurich.
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Monthly Academic Talks

Exact Date TBD Talk

The idea behind the talk series is to give our research community the opportunity to invite top researchers (from academia or industry) to give talks of general academic interest at the AI Center. CLS fellows are invited to suggest guest speakers. Further details will follow soon.  Contact: Dr. Jennifer Wadsworth

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Monthly Associated Researchers Meetup

31 January 2024 - 19 December 2024 Event Zürich Oerlikon OAT X 11 Andreasstrasse 5, 8050 Zürich

The ETH AI Center Fellows and Associated Researchers Meet-up is an informal and collaborative gathering at the ETH AI Center. This meetup provides a unique platform for sharing insights into past research, discussing topics of interest, and exploring exciting possibilities for collaboration within the research community at ETH Zürich.

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S4 Workshop: Interviewing and Talking to the Press on Camera

30 July 2024 - 30 July 2024 Workshop MPI-IS Tübingen

Scientists are often asked to interview with the press. This training will teach participants to better understand the way journalists think in order to enhance success with the media.

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ETH Industry Day

04 September 2024 - 04 September 2024 Connect Zürich Hönggerberg HPH D

Industry meets Science. Complemented by a large exhibition, the ETH Industry Day offers plenty of opportunities to network and to learn about the latest technologies.

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CLS2024 Retreat

08 September 2024 - 10 September 2024 Retreat Hotel Schloss Reinach, 79112 Freiburg-Munzingen

A three-day in-person event for the CLS community

We are excited to announce that this year's CLS retreat is taking place from Sunday 8th September to Tuesday 10th September 2024 in the Breisach wine-growing region close to the German city of Freiburg and the Black Forest. The retreat will start with dinner on Sunday evening and finish mid-afternoon on Tuesday.

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S4 Workshop: Kick-starting your Doctoral Thesis - Scientific Writing

09 September 2024 - 13 September 2024 Workshop Remote via Zoom

During this week-long training participants learn techniques for productive thesis writing while receiving individualized feedback from course trainer Dr. Deborah Bennett.

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S4 Workshop: Successfully Apply for Industry Positions in Germany

02 October 2024 - 02 October 2024 Workshop Remote via Zoom

This training is designed to equip our scholars with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the job application process in Germany effectively and successfully.

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AI+X Summit 2024

03 October 2024 - 04 October 2024 Event

The Launch AI+X Summit is a leading event in the AI landscape, hosted by the ETH AI Center, ETH Entrepreneur Club, and ZHAW. It's a convergence point for the latest in AI applications and their integration across various sectors, emphasizing entrepreneurship and technological innovation.

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Culture Club: German Residency

11 October 2024 - 11 October 2024 Event

Culture Club helps acclimate our international colleagues to life in Germany. This session focuses on the topic of residency in Germany.

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S4 Workshop: How to Make a Good Rebuttal

22 October 2024 - 22 October 2024 Event

Led by IMPRS-IS graduate Robert Geirhos, this training will cover the different aspects that contribute to rebuttal success: preparation, strategy, organization, content, and more.

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Responsible Conduct in Research 2024

30 October 2024 - 30 October 2024 Workshop

Principles of good scientific practice can be violated in many ways, from improper application of scientific methods or documenting data, to serious scientific misconduct through deliberate falsification or deceit. This workshop will provide an introduction to these important topics, with subject-specific input from senior IMPRS-IS and CLS researchers.

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Swiss Robotics Day 2024

01 November 2024 - 01 November 2024 Event StageOne Event & Convention Center, Zurich

Swiss Robotics Day is Switzerland’s premier exhibition on robotics for service sectors. It brings together professionals and enthusiasts, fostering connections, sharing ideas, creating business opportunities, and attracting talent.

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S4 Workshop: Kick-starting your Doctoral Thesis - Scientific Writing

04 November 2024 - 08 November 2024 Workshop Remote via Zoom

During this week-long training participants learn techniques for productive thesis writing while receiving individualized feedback from course trainer Dr. Deborah Bennett.

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S4 Workshop: Best Practices for Academic Teaching

26 November 2024 - 26 November 2024 Workshop

This hands-on workshop is designed to train new instructors providing them with tips and tricks to be an excellent academic instructor.

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S4 Workshop: Best Practices for Supervision of BA & Master's Students

13 December 2024 - 13 December 2024 Teaching

This training is designed to help guide our doctoral researchers on how to become effective supervisors as many of them begin to supervise others for the first time during the doctorate. 

Past Events

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15 July 2024 - 19 July 2024 Workshop

S4 Workshop: Scientific English Writing

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19 June 2024 - 19 June 2024 Exhibition MPI-IS Stuttgart

Cyber Valley Days EXPO

Network and get to know the Cyber Valley community

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10 June 2024 - 14 June 2024 Workshop Remote via Zoom

S4 Workshop: Kick-starting your Doctoral Thesis - Scientific Writing

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07 June 2024 - 07 June 2024 Event

Culture Club: Getting a Driver's License in Germany

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28 May 2024 - 11 June 2024 Event

Graduation Roadmap from ETH Zurich / Spring 2024

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02 May 2024 - 19 June 2024 Event

Join Batch #4 of The AI Incubator

Craft your own AI prototype and business model

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12 April 2024 - 12 April 2024 Event

Culture Club: Finding Local Housing

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18 March 2024 - 23 March 2024 Connect


Thumb ticker md apply
15 March 2024 - 15 March 2024 Workshop Remote via Zoom

S4 Workshop: Successfully Apply for Industry Positions in Germany

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04 March 2024 - 05 March 2024 Event Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen

CLS2024 Selection Symposium

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05 February 2024 - 16 April 2024 Event

Introductory Programme from ETH Zurich / Spring 2024

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29 November 2023 - 29 November 2023 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Online workshop "Stress management"

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06 November 2023 - 11 November 2023 Workshop

S4 Workshop: Scientific English Writing

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03 November 2023 - 03 November 2023 Event StageOne Event & Convention Center, Zurich

Swiss Robotics Day 2023

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
31 October 2023 - 31 October 2023 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Workshop "Get the supervision you need!"

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23 October 2023 - 23 October 2023 Workshop

Responsible Conduct in Research 2023

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18 October 2023 - 23 November 2023 Event

The AI Incubator - Register for the third batch

Join the next round of the AI Incubator!

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13 October 2023 - 13 October 2023 Event

AI+X Summit 2023

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
05 October 2023 - 05 October 2023 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Workshop "Resolving conflicts in a constructive way"

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
03 October 2023 - 03 October 2023 Teaching Remote via Zoom

Get your writing project started, prevent plagiarism and publish

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
25 September 2023 - 25 September 2023 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Workshop "Be the master of your time!"

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
21 September 2023 - 21 September 2023 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Workshop "Effective communication with others"

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
20 September 2023 - 20 September 2023 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Neurobiological bases of stress and stress management

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
14 September 2023 - 14 September 2023 Seminar Remote via Zoom

Developing scientific writing skills at doctoral level

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
06 September 2023 - 06 September 2023 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Workshop "The seven secrets of highly successful doctoral students"

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
05 September 2023 - 05 September 2023 Seminar Remote via Zoom

Scientific writing: structuring and planning publications

Thumb ticker md writing 3
10 July 2023 - 14 July 2023 Workshop Remote via Zoom

S4 Workshop: Kick-starting your PhD Thesis - Scientific Writing

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26 June 2023 - 28 June 2023 Retreat Pax Montana, CH-6073 Flüeli-Ranft

CLS2023 Fellows Retreat

A three-day in-person event hosted by the CLS doctoral fellows

Thumb ticker md ai incubator
07 June 2023 - 10 July 2023 Workshop Different locations around Tübingen, Stuttgart and Zurich

AI Incubator 2023

Cyber Valley's program for the next generation of AI start-ups

Thumb ticker md coding
01 June 2023 - 01 June 2023 Workshop Remote via Zoom

S4 Workshop: Best Practices for Software Development in Python

Thumb ticker md stress management prostock studio
02 May 2023 - 02 May 2023 Workshop Remote via Zoom

S4 Workshop: Stress Management Training

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17 April 2023 - 21 April 2023 Workshop

S4 Workshop: Scientific English Writing

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09 March 2023 - 09 March 2023 Workshop

S4 Workshop: Best Practices for Academic Teaching

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27 February 2023 - 03 March 2023 Workshop Remote via Zoom

S4 Workshop: Kick-starting your PhD Thesis - Scientific Writing

Thumb ticker md project management
01 December 2022 - 02 December 2022 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Project Management for 1st Year Scholars: S4 Workshop

Thumb ticker md rcr
23 November 2022 - 23 November 2022 Workshop

Responsible Conduct in Research 2022

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
23 November 2022 - 23 November 2022 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Workshop "Get the supervision you need!"

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
10 November 2022 - 10 November 2022 Event Remote via Zoom

Doing a doctorate at ETH: administrative and academic aspects

Q&A Webinar

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07 November 2022 - 11 November 2022 Workshop

Scientific English Writing: S4 Workshop

Thumb ticker md ai summit
14 October 2022 - 14 October 2022 Event

AI+X Summit 2022

Hosted by the ETH AI Center

Thumb ticker md interviewing
11 October 2022 - 11 October 2022 Workshop MPI-IS Stuttgart, Heisenbergstraße 3, 70569 Stuttgart

How to Give an Interview and Talk to the Press on Camera: S4 Workshop

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
04 October 2022 - 04 October 2022 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Workshop "Effective communication with others"

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
30 September 2022 - 30 September 2022 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Workshop "Get the supervision you need!"

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
21 September 2022 - 21 September 2022 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Neurobiological bases of stress and stress management

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
20 September 2022 - 20 September 2022 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Workshop "Resolving conflicts in a constructive way"

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
16 September 2022 - 16 September 2022 Seminar Remote via Zoom

Scientific writing: structuring and planning publications

Thumb ticker md gesamtansicht12blume
14 September 2022 - 16 September 2022 Retreat Hotel Schloss Weitenberg, Starzach, DE

CLS2022 Fellows Retreat

A three-day in-person event hosted by the CLS doctoral fellows

Thumb ticker md eth logo square
06 September 2022 - 06 September 2022 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Workshop "The seven secrets of highly successful doctoral students"

Thumb ticker md eth ai center logo frame
05 September 2022 - 07 September 2022 Event ETH Campus, Zurich Switzerland

Health Data and AI: Responsible Innovations, Ethics and Regulatory Strategies

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02 September 2022 - 02 September 2022 Seminar Remote via Zoom

Developing scientific writing skills at doctoral level

Thumb ticker md writing thesis
18 July 2022 - 22 July 2022 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Kick-starting your PhD Thesis - Scientific Writing: S4 Workshop

Thumb ticker md time management
06 July 2022 - 07 July 2022 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Self and Time Management: S4 Workshop

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09 June 2022 - 09 June 2022 Event

Women in Tech

Hosted by the ETH AI Center

Thumb ticker md intersectionality
02 June 2022 - 09 June 2022 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Intersectionality in Academia: S4 Workshop

Thumb ticker md stress management
02 May 2022 - 02 May 2022 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Stress Management Training: S4 Workshop

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22 April 2022 - 22 April 2022 Event

CLS X-Over Stuttgart Event

Thumb ticker md presentation
25 March 2022 - 25 March 2022 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Structuring and Delivering a Scientific Presentation: S4 Workshop

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24 January 2022 - 25 January 2022 Event Remote via Zoom

CLS2022 Selection Symposium

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01 December 2021 - 03 December 2021 Workshop

Project Management for Scientists: S4 Workshop

Thumb ticker md rcr
22 November 2021 - 22 November 2021 Workshop

Responsible Conduct in Research

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22 November 2021 - 22 November 2021 Event


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15 November 2021 - 18 November 2021 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Scientific English Writing: November Workshop

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28 October 2021 - 28 October 2021 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Standards and Good Practices for Software Development in Python: S4 Workshop

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27 October 2021 - 27 October 2021 Event

CLS Crossover Tübingen Event

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12 October 2021 - 12 October 2021 Workshop MPI-IS Stuttgart, Heisenbergstraße 3, 70569 Stuttgart

How to Give an Interview and Talk to the Press on Camera: S4 Workshop

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02 September 2021 - 16 November 2021 Event

Introductory Programme at ETH Zurich

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22 July 2021 - 22 July 2021 Event

MPI-IS 2021 Graduation Ceremony

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20 July 2021 - 23 July 2021 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Marketing for Scientists: S4 Workshop

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12 July 2021 - 16 July 2021 Workshop

Scientific English Writing: July Workshop

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01 July 2021 - 01 July 2021 Retreat

CLS2021 Summer Fellows Retreat

A one-day fully virtual event hosted by the CLS doctoral fellows

Thumb ticker md coding 1
24 June 2021 - 24 June 2021 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Standards and Good Practices for Software Development in Python: S4 Workshop

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07 June 2021 - 08 June 2021 Workshop Remote via Zoom

The Start-up Phase of the Doctorate: S4 Workshop

Thumb ticker md fight
20 May 2021 - 27 May 2021 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Conflict Management for Scientists: S4 Workshop

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19 April 2021 - 23 April 2021 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Scientific English Writing: April Workshop

Thumb ticker md stress
11 March 2021 - 15 April 2021 Workshop Remote via Zoom

Stress Management Training: S4 Workshop

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25 January 2021 - 26 January 2021 Event Remote via Zoom

CLS2021 Selection Symposium

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24 July 2020 - 24 July 2020 Event Virtual Event

2020 Intelligent Systems Summer Colloquium

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26 January 2020 - 28 January 2020 Symposium Max Planck Campus in Tübingen, Germany

CLS Selection Symposium 2020

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29 October 2018 - 31 October 2018 Conference Zürich, Switzerland

Conference on Robot Learning

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15 October 2018 - 17 October 2018 Retreat Insel Reichenau, Germany

CLS Retreat 2018

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14 September 2018 - 14 September 2018 Event Tübingen, Germany

Symposium Artificial Intelligence and Society

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03 April 2018 - 05 April 2018 Event Playa Blanca, Lanzarote, Canary Islands

DALI 2018 - Data, Learning and Inference

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08 February 2018 - 09 February 2018 Workshop Zürich, Switzerland

Second Workshop on Learning Control

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18 January 2018 - 19 January 2018 Event Max Planck Campus in Tübingen, Germany

Selection Interviews for CLS PhD Fellowships

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12 December 2017 - 15 December 2017 Event Melbourne, Australia

Invited Session Series on Learning-based Control

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04 October 2017 - 06 October 2017 Retreat Stoos, Central Switzerland

CLS Retreat 2017

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18 September 2017 - 18 September 2017 Event Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, Germany

Max Planck Lecture: The Three Pillars of Fully Autonomous Driving

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03 July 2017 - 07 July 2017 Summer School ETH Zurich, Department of Computer Science

Pre-Doc Summer School on Learning Systems

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18 April 2017 - 20 April 2017 Event H10 Costa Adeje Palace Hotel, Tenerife, Canary Islands

DALI 2017 - Data Learning and Inference

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25 September 2016 - 28 September 2016 Event Ringberg Castle (Germany)

Biomedical Micro/Nanosystems Engineering

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05 September 2016 - 07 September 2016 Retreat Bonndorf (Germany)

Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems Retreat

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11 July 2016 - 13 July 2016 Event Donaueschingen, Germany

Deep Learning: Theory and Practice

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09 June 2016 - 10 June 2016 Event Konstanz, Germany

Design and Coordination of Micro- to Macro-Scale Swarms

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30 March 2016 - 01 April 2016 Event Sestri Levante (Italy)

DALI 2016 – Data, Learning and Inference

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14 February 2016 - 17 February 2016 Retreat Ringberg Castle (Germany)

Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems Member Retreat

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30 November 2015 - 30 November 2015 Event Max Planck House Tübingen, Lecture Hall

Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems Inauguration

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11 November 2015 - 13 November 2015 Event Tübingen

Learning Control

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19 October 2015 - 21 October 2015 Retreat Kandersteg, Switzerland

Retreat 2015

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10 April 2015 - 12 April 2015 Event La Palma (Canaries, Spain)

DALI 2015 – Data, Learning and Inference

Thumb ticker md computervisionworkshop
01 November 2014 - 01 November 2014 Workshop Tübingen

RNLS Computer Vision Workshop

Thumb ticker md researchnetworkonlearningsystems
01 June 2014 - 01 June 2014 Summer School Zürich

RNLS Summer School

Thumb ticker md workshoponcausality
01 August 2013 - 01 August 2013 Workshop Therme Vals

RNLS Workshop on Causality