Thank You Andreas Geiger
Former Steering Board member leaves CLS
cls 30 July 2021 News
Prof. Dr. Andreas Geiger, head of the Autonomous Vision Group (AVG) is stepping down from active membership of CLS, having completed the relocation of his group from the MPI for Intelligent Systems to the University of Tübingen. Since 2018 he has been a full professor of computer science at the University of Tübingen, where he is also deputy head of the department of computer science and a PI in the cluster of excellence 'ML in Science' and the CRC 'Robust Vision'.
Andreas Geiger joined CLS as a faculty member following his appointment as a Max Planck Group Leader at the MPI for Intelligent Systems in 2016. A parallel position as Visiting Professor at ETH Zurich, in the Computer Vision and Geometry Group of Marc Pollefeys, further cemented his ties between the CLS partners. From 2018 Andreas became more deeply involved in CLS as a member of the Steering Board, a position he held throughout the period of successful evaluation and renewal of the Center. Andreas has also been responsible for the supervision of several CLS doctoral fellows.
A commitment to doctoral education continues to mark out Andreas’ activities: he is an ELLIS fellow, board member, and coordinator of the ELLIS Ph.D. program. The ELLIS program, which accepted its first intake of doctoral researchers in 2021, aims to support excellent young researchers across Europe by connecting them to leading researchers and offering a variety of networking and training activities, including boot camps, summer schools and workshops.
“Not only does the ELLIS PhD program provide students with an opportunity to work with renowned scientists across Europe. In the long term, it will also help strengthen the networks that contribute to securing Europe’s competitiveness in machine learning and related fields,” says Andreas. In this sense, ELLIS is building on the concept started in CLS. Indeed, with many CLS faculty members participating in the ELLIS network, there are many synergies and overlaps to develop further in the future.
Thank you, Andreas, for your contributions to CLS and we wish you every success in your current and future activities!