Michael Muehlebach replaces Georg Martius on CLS Steering Board
Thank you, Georg!
cls 16 May 2023 News
Prof. Dr. Georg Martius, head of the Autonomous Learning Group at MPI-IS Tübingen, has stepped down from his role on the Steering Board of CLS. From May 1st, 2023, he is replaced by Michael Muehlebach, who leads the independent research group on Learning and Dynamical Systems at MPI-IS Tübingen.
Georg Martius joined CLS as a faculty member following his appointment as an independent Max Planck Group Leader at the MPI for Intelligent Systems in 2017. From 2020 Georg became more deeply involved in CLS as a member of the Steering Board; he has also been responsible for the supervision of several CLS doctoral fellows. On April 1st, 2023, Georg Martius took up a W3 professor position in the Department of Computer Science, University of Tübingen. His group will transfer to the University of Tübingen over the coming year.
Thank you, Georg, for your contributions to CLS and we wish you every success in your current and future activities!
Image: Georg Martius (left), Michael Muehlebach (right).