Christian Theobalt joins as CLS Senior Fellow
cls 15 December 2023 News
We welcome Prof. Dr. Christian Theobalt, Director of the Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence Department at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken, who joins our Center as a CLS Senior Fellow. His research investigates foundational research problems at the intersection of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence.
A policy of the Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems is to reach out beyond the network of experts within the two partners, the ETH Zurich and MPI for Intelligent Systems, and seek the involvement of a further select group of outstanding European researchers in machine learning and AI. These CLS Senior Fellows are invited to participate in meetings of the Center, provide scientific advice and help set the strategic direction, as well as offering PhD supervision.
Prof. Dr. Theobalt has accepted the invitation to become one of three CLS Senior Fellows currently involved with the Center. Christian Theobalt has been a Max Planck Director at the MPI for Informatics since 2021 and a Professor of Computer Science at Saarland University since 2010. He has won many prizes and accolades including an ERC Starting Grant in 2013, and an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2017. He currently holds a further role as Director of the Saarbruecken Center for Visual Computing, Interaction, and Artificial Intelligence - A Strategic Partnership between Google and the MPI for Informatics.
Professor Theobalt writes: “It is our long term vision to develop entirely new ways to capture, represent, synthesize and simulate models of the real world at highest detail, robustness, and efficiency. To achieve this long term goal, we develop new concepts that rethink and unite established approaches from Computer Graphics and Computer Vision with concepts from Artificial Intelligence, in particular Machine Learning. Our work lays the foundations for a new of thinking about computer graphics, and a new way of uniting and enriching the real world with computer graphics technology. It also lays the foundations for advanced methods to better perceive, understand and interpret the complex real world in motion surrounding us from visual observation, which is an essential capability of future intelligent computing systems that safely and intuitively interact with humans and the human world.“
Welcome, Professor Theobalt!
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