Culture Club: Getting a Driver's License in Germany
cls imprs-is 06 June 2025 - 06 June 2025 Event
Culture Club is designed to help acclimate international colleagues to life in Germany. This session will help to guide participants through the steps of getting a driver's license locally.
Date: Friday, June 6
When: 16:30 - 17:30
Location: Online (Zoom)
We would like to cordially invite you to participate in the MPI-IS Culture Club meeting covering the topic of getting a driver's license in Germany. We will discuss how long one can drive in Germany with a foreign license, if you can transfer an existing license, how to find a good driving school, options for taking a driver's test, and more.
Culture Club is open to everyone in our community! German nationals who want to meet colleagues and socialize are encouraged to attend. We envision this group as any collective of individuals who enjoy discussing cultural topics and want an opportunity to socialize with peers.
Our vision is to create an informative yet social experience offered in the form of monthly, hour-long meetings each featuring a different topic. The format includes a 10-minute informative talk followed by time to connect and share personal experiences.
Again, it is our goal to offer an inclusive space where international colleagues, significant others, and German allies can receive info about getting acclimated in a new cultural environment. It will also be a place to meet, have fun, and share experiences with people in similar situations who share common interests.
Zoom links for this group are sent to all IMPRS-IS and Max Planck Institute mailing lists. With problems or questions about obtaining the link to join, please write Sara Sorce (